
Canadian Friends of Woodstock School is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We use the information we collect about you to help us understand more about how our site is used and to be able to send you communications about Canadian Friends of Woodstock School that may be of interest to you, either electronically or otherwise. The ‘personally identifiable information’ is information that enables us to identify you, such as your email address, name, title, and address

Please read the following policy to understand how your personal information will be treated. This policy may change from time to time so please check back periodically.

Like many websites, Canadian Friends of Woodstock School uses cookies in order to provide you with a more personalized web service.

A cookie is a text-only string of information that we pass to your computer’s hard disk through your web-browser so that the website can remember who you are. Cookies cannot be used by themselves to identify you. A cookie will typically contain the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, the “lifetime” of the cookie, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number. For more information about cookies, please see

Canadian Friends of Woodstock School uses third-party cookies to collect demographic and interest data through analytics services offered by Google Inc. through DoubleClick. Personally identifiable information is never collected by Canadian Friends of Woodstock School through these services and information is presented anonymously and in aggregate form.

When this cookie is present, Google Analytics collects any demographic and interest information available in the cookie and presents it to Canadian Friends of Woodstock School. Canadian Friends of Woodstock School uses this information to better understand the type and format of content that is of greatest interest to our supporters.

All of the major web browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari allow you to stop accepting third-party cookies. Consult your browser help menu for more information.

Marketing Consent


With your permission, we will also use personal information collected from you online or by mail or phone to send you information via email about new Canadian Friends of Woodstock School initiatives, advocacy efforts and fundraising campaigns. We may also send you our e-newsletter, and invite you to participate in events, online surveys, and contests. If you do not want to receive these materials sent by email, please contact us via our contact page.

Use of Personal Information

Canadian Friends of Woodstock School uses the information we collect about you to help us with understanding more about how our site is used and to be able to send you communications that may be of interest to you, either electronically or otherwise.

Ownership of Information

When you are on the Canadian Friends of Woodstock School website and are asked for personal information, you are sharing that information with Canadian Friends of Woodstock School alone unless stated otherwise. For example, when you are using our secure online donation pages you are making your gift through, a company that facilitates Canadian Friends of Woodstock School’s online donation processing.

Use of Information

As a general rule, Canadian Friends of Woodstock School will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information, except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. When you are using our secure online donation pages you are going through to a partner company and the information you give such as your credit card number and contact information is provided so that the transaction can take place.

If you indicated that you are interested in receiving regular information about Canadian Friends of Woodstock School campaign work or emergency appeals we will send you communications regarding Canadian Friends of Woodstock School’s work and activities, either electronically or otherwise. In addition, we may send you direct mail that we feel may be of interest to you.

We comply with all laws to which we are subject. With respect to personally identifiable information you provide to us, we will only disclose it to the extent that we, in good faith, believe that applicable law requires it.

Online Donations

When you are using our secure online donation pages you are going through to a partner company and the information you give such as your credit card number and contact information is provided so that the transaction can take place. Otherwise, your credit card information will not be disclosed to others.

Updating Information

The accuracy of your individual identifying information is important to Canadian Friends of Woodstock School. We are working on ways to make it easier for you to review and correct the information that Canadian Friends of Woodstock School maintains about you. In the meantime, if you change email address or any of the other information we hold is inaccurate or out of date, please contact us.

Protection of Information

Canadian Friends of Woodstock School is committed to taking reasonable steps to protect the individual identifying information that you provide to us.

Canadian Friends of Woodstock School makes every effort to ensure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive user information, including credit card information, by using high grade encryption and https security protocol to communicate with your browser software.

This method reflects industry standard security protocol and makes it extremely difficult for anyone else to intercept your credit card information, while protecting your privacy.